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闽教版五年级上册Story Time

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名称:闽教版五年级上册Story Time
[00:04.01]Read a story.
[00:06.85]The Frog and the Birds 青蛙和鸟
[00:09.29]Once upon a time,there was a green frog.
[00:12.65]His name was Frank.
[00:14.94]He lived in a pond.它住在一个池塘里.
[00:17.16]He was not happy.他不高兴.
[00:19.69]One day,Gary and Jack came to see Frank.
[00:24.33]"You look very unhappy."你看起来不快乐.
[00:26.59]What's the matter,Frank?"Gray asked.
[00:30.74]"I want to fly like you,Gary,"Frank answered
[00:35.61]"How?"asked Jack.
[00:39.19]See the stick on the water?
[00:42.80]If we all hold the stick,you can take me up.
[00:47.43]Then we can fly together in the sky."said Frank.
[00:53.80]Now Frank and the two birds were flying higher
[00:57.27]and higher in the sky.
[00:59.41]Frank was very happy.
[01:02.03]"I can fly!"Frank shouted."我可以飞了"弗兰克喊道
[01:06.96]Frank dropped into the pond.弗兰克掉落在池塘里.
[01:10.55]Look and say.
[01:14.86]I read an interesting story yesterday.
[01:19.29]What was it?
[01:21.15]It was about a green frog.是关于一只池蛙的.
[01:24.92]His name was Frank.
[01:28.06]He wanted to fly like a bird.它想要像鸟儿一样飞.
[01:33.54]How could a frog fly?青蛙怎么飞?
[01:35.89]Let me tell you the story.让我给你讲讲这个故事吧
[01:38.87]He asked two birds to help him.它请求两只鸟帮它.
[01:43.28]Frank and the two birds held the stick.
[01:49.18]The birds took him up.鸟儿把它带起来了.
[01:53.04]Frank was very happy.
[01:56.11]Frank shouted,"I can fly!I can fly!"
[02:02.65]"Splash!"Frank dropped into the pond.
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