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91 Leadership

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名称:91 Leadership
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[00:02.70]Leadership is the most significant word
[00:06.19]in today's competitive business environment
[00:08.84] because it directs the manager of a business
[00:11.73]to focus inward on their personal capabilities and style.
[00:16.30] Experts on leadership will quickly point out
[00:19.98] that “how things get done”
[00:21.67] influences the success of the outcomes
[00:24.72]and indicates a right way and a wrong way to do things.
[00:29.30]When a noted leader on the art of management,
[00:32.69]Peter Drucker, coined the phrase
[00:34.89] “Management is doing things right;
[00:37.30]leadership is doing the right things,”
[00:40.35]he was seeking to clarify the distinctions
[00:43.42]he associates with the terms.
[00:45.73]When Stephen Covey,
[00:47.99] founder and director of the Leadership Institute,
[00:51.32]explored leadership styles in the past decade,
[00:54.66] he focused on the habits of a great number of highly effective individuals.
[00:59.16] His Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
[01:02.96] became a popular bestseller very quickly.
[01:06.51] His ideas forced a reexamination
[01:09.53]of the early leaders leadership paradigm
[01:11.96] which he observed centered on traits found
[01:15.19] in the character ethic and the personality ethic.
[01:18.69]The former ethic suggested success was founded on integrity,
[01:23.73] modesty, loyalty, courage, patience, and so forth.
[01:28.34]The personality ethic suggested
[01:31.97] it was one's attitude,
[01:33.37] not behavior, that inspired success,
[01:36.25]and this ethic was founded
[01:37.98] on a belief of positive mental attitude.
[01:40.67]In contrast to each of these ideas,
[01:43.71]Covey advocates that
[01:45.83] leaders need to understand universal principles of effectiveness,
[01:50.06]and he highlights how vital it is
[01:52.64] for leaders to first personally manage themselves
[01:56.28] if they are to enjoy any hope of outstanding success
[02:00.39] in their work environments.
[02:02.30]To achieve a desired vision for your business,
[02:06.70]it is vital that you have a personal vision of
[02:10.44]where you are headed and what you value.
[02:12.17] Business leadership means
[02:14.54] that managers need to “put first things first,”
[02:17.39]which implies that before leading others,
[02:20.24] you need to be clear on your own values,
[02:22.83]abilities, and strengths and be seen as trustworthy.
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