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[00:07.06]Look,listen and match.
[00:10.09]Hello!My name is Andy White.
[00:13.49]My family name is White.我的姓是怀特。
[00:15.56]I'm from America.我来自美国。
[00:18.30]Hello!My name is Joy Black.
[00:21.22]My family name is Black.我的姓是布莱克。
[00:23.18]I'm from Canada.我来自加拿大。
[00:24.71]Hello!My name is Sun Yaoyao.
[00:27.49]My family name is Sun.我的姓是孙。
[00:29.86]I'm from China.我来自中国。
[00:31.53]Hello!My name is Zhao Binbin.
[00:34.00]My family name is Zhao.我的姓是赵。
[00:35.97]I'm from China.我来自中国。
[00:38.65]Let's play a circle game.
[00:41.51]My family name is Chen.我姓陈。
[00:44.00]What's your family name?你姓什么?
[00:46.35]My family name is Liu.我姓刘。
[00:49.30]What's your family name?
[00:52.06]My family name is Li.我姓李。
[00:53.16]What's your family name?
[00:55.18]My family name is Wang.我姓王。
[00:58.57]Listen and chant.
[01:05.79]A,E,I,O,U,can I be a friend with you?    
[01:10.27]U,I,A,O,E,can you be a friend with me?
[01:14.81]A,E,I,O,U,I can be a friend with you.
[01:19.71]U,I,A,O,E,you can be a friend with me.
[01:26.50]Learn the letters.
[01:29.08]Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv
[01:49.86]book 书 
[01:53.61]cat 猫 
[01:55.80]door 门 
[01:57.59]girl 女孩
[01:59.80]pencil 铅笔 
[02:02.54]tea 茶 
[02:04.66]van 大货车
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