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[00:01.52]Unit 2 It's more than four hundred metres high!第二单元 它有四百多米高!
[00:08.74]1. Look, listen and say.1. 看图,听录音并说一说。
[00:14.99]How tall is the tree?这棵树多高?
[00:20.34]It's thirty metres tall.它有三十米高。
[00:25.57]Oh, that's really tall!哦,那真的非常高!
[00:31.58]How old is it?它有多老了?
[00:35.32]It's my secret.那是我的秘密。
[00:40.27]It's eight hundred years old.它有800岁了。
[00:45.68]2. Listen and read.2. 听录音,说一说。
[00:53.37]Simon, look at this building.西蒙,看那栋楼。
[00:57.04]It's so high!它真高啊!
[01:00.86]It's the Empire State Building. 它是帝国大厦。
[01:04.21]It's an office building.它是一栋写字楼。
[01:07.73]Can you tell me more about it?你能给我多说说这栋楼吗?
[01:11.76]All right. It's more than eighty years old. 好的。它有80多年的历史了。
[01:16.61]And it's more than four hundred metres high!它有400多米高!
[01:22.71]Wow, that's really high!哇,那真的非常高!
[01:27.56]Yes. Do you want to climb the stairs to the top?是的。你想爬楼顶到顶层吗?
[01:37.98]3. Listen, point and say.3. 听录音,指一指,说一说。
[02:02.72]4. Listen and say. Then sing.4. 听录音,说一说。然后唱歌。
[02:09.35]THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA中国的长城
[02:11.81]The Great Wall of China is very,
[02:14.51]very long, very, very long, very, very long.
[02:20.04]The Great Wall of China is very, very long.
[02:24.03]The people who built it were very, very strong,
[02:27.98]very, very strong, very, very strong.
[02:31.38]The people who built it were very,
[02:33.53]very strong.
[02:34.87]Thousands of people built it.(歌曲)
[02:47.44]The Great Wall of China is very,
[02:50.19]very long, very, very long, very, very long.
[02:56.61]The Great Wall of China is very, very long.
[03:01.93]The people who built it were very, very strong,
[03:06.63]very, very strong, very, very strong.
[03:11.02]The people who built it were very,
[03:13.98]very strong.
[03:15.71]Thousands of people built it.(歌曲)
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